Kathmandu / Sept 7: Chairperson of the ruling Nepal Communist Party Pushpa Kamal Dahal has urged the Chinese government, traders and investors to invest in Nepal. Addressing a program organized in the capital on Nepal-China Trade on Saturday, Chairperson Dahal opined that Nepal boasts an investment-friendly atmosphere following political stability. “In this context, Government of […]

Kathmandu / Sept 7: Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, has said that government is all committed to creating media-friendly atmosphere. At a time when various questions have been raised on the Media Council Bill, Foreign Minister Gyawali reiterated that government is committed to maintaining credibility, transparency and professionalism in the media sector. Inaugurating […]

Sindhupalchowk / Sept 7: The District Administration Office of Sindhupalchowk has issued an indefinite prohibitory order at Ambathan, Sindhu, Gyalthum Audit camp and Melamchi Drinking Water Project area to be effective from Friday evening given the agitation of the local contractors and labours. With the prohibitory order in place, mobility of more than five persons […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6: Department of Commerce, Supply and Consumer Protection is preparing to operate fair price shops from September 9 targeting the major Nepali festivals, namely Dashain, Tihar and Chhath. Speaking at a meeting of Parliamentary Committee on Industry and Commerce; Labour and Consumer Welfare, Director General of the department Yogendra Gauchan informed that […]

काठमाडौँ, भदौ २० भदौ । सिंगापुरस्थित नेशनल युनिभर्सिटी अस्पतालमा उपचार गरि फर्कनुभएका प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीको स्वास्थ्य अवस्था सामान्य रहेको उहाँको नीजि चिकित्सकले बताउनुभएको छ । एक विज्ञप्ति प्रकाशित गर्दै डा. दिव्यासिंह शाहले प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीको स्वास्थ्य अवस्था सामान्य रहेको बताउनुभएको हो । उहाँले प्रधानमन्त्री अब आफ्नो नियमित कामलाई निरन्तरता दिन सक्षम रहेको समेत स्पष्ट पार्नुभयो […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6:Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli returned home from Singapore on Friday afternoon. Oli, who had left for Singapore for his second round of health check-up on August 22, returned home via Thai Airways aircraft, according to PM’s press advisor Kundan Aryal. Speaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara, cabinet ministers, Nepal Communist Party leaders, and […]

Kathmandu / Sept 6:Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai said that the ministry has initiated the task of adding facilities in the domestic airports across the country. Inaugurating the baggage belt at Internal Terminal of Tribhuwan International Airport on Friday, minister Bhattarai stated that additional services would be gradually provided in […]

काठमाडौँ, भदौ २० गते । नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी (नेकपा) का अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ ले नेपालको स्वाभिमानलाई उचो राख्ने गरी विदेशी पर्यटकलाई गरिने आतिथ्य संस्कारमा कुनै कमी गर्न नहुने बताउनुभएको छ । पदयात्री व्यवसायीको छाता सङ्गठन ट्रेकिङ एजेन्सिज एशोसिएशन अफ नेपाल (टान) को ४१ औँ वार्षिक साधारणसभाको आज यहाँ उद्घाटन गर्दै अध्यक्ष दाहालले नेपाली हुनुमा […]

मेलम्ची, भदौ २० गते । मेलम्ची खानेपानी आयोजना स्थानीय कार्यालय वरपर प्रदर्शन गर्न निषेधित क्षेत्र घोषणा गरिएको छ । प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी गोमादेवी चेम्जोङले आज आदेश जारी गर्दै सिएमसी कम्पनीका पीडितले सो कम्पनीबाट लिनुपर्ने बाँकी रकमको भुक्तानीको माग गरी प्रदर्शनमा उत्रेपछि निषेधित क्षेत्र घोषणा गरिएको हो । जिल्लास्थित मेलम्ची खानेपानी आयोजनाको कार्यालय, मुहान, सुरुङ क्षेत्रमा […]

सरोज ढुंगेल / काठमाडौँ, भदौ २० गते । सिंगापुरमा महानगरभित्रको क्षेत्रमा डेङ्गु सार्ने लार्भा भेटियो भने दुइहजार सिंगापुर डलर जरिवाना हुन्छ । व्यक्तिको घरको कुनै स्थानमा डेङ्गुको लार्भा भेटिएको अवस्थामा दुइसय डलर जरिवाना हुन्छ । सिंगापुरले वर्षौअघिदेखि डेङ्गु नियन्त्रण गर्ने प्रयास गरीरहेको छ तर पनि सफल हुन सकेको छैन । विगतका वर्षहरुमा एक÷दुईसय व्यक्तिमा डेङ्गु […]