Archive for: September, 2020

COVID-19 update: 1,559 new cases, 1,057 recoveries, tally hits 77,817

Kathmandu / Sept. 30: The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) on Wednesday confirmed 1,559 new cases of COVID-19. In 12,205 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 1,559 persons were found with the novel coronavirus infection, informed Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson of the ministry in the […]

No decision on class 12 examination puts students and parents in confusion

Kathmandu / Sept. 30: A decision regarding holding Class 12 examinations is much awaited although various alternatives for conducting the stalled exams have been recommended. The National Examination Board (NEB) had given suggestion last month along with alternative for conducting the long stalled examination. NEB had suggested to the government that in the condition of […]

Pokhara-New Delhi bus service to resume from Thursday

Pokhara / Sept 30: Pokhara- New Delhi Bus Service is resuming its service from Thursday. The company has decided to resume its service after a hiatus of seven months due to the enforcement of nationwide lockdown by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19. The buses would offer services to passengers from Pokhara to […]

किसानलाई अलैँची टिप्ने चटारो, भाउ ओरालो

बागलुङ, असोज १४ गते। किसानलाई यतिबेला अलैँची टिप्ने चटारो छ । हजार-बाह्र सय मीटरको उचाइमा त साउन अन्तिमतिरै अलैँची पाक्न शुरु गर्छ । उपल्लो भेगको अलैँची टिप्न भने असोज पर्खनुपर्छ । अलैँचीको फल वर्षमा एकचोटि लाग्छ । बरेङ गाउँपालिका–२ को नमूना अलैँची उत्पादक कृषक समूहका सदस्य अहिले अलैँची टिप्न र सुकाउनमा व्यस्त छन् । दश […]

थप एक हजार ५५९ जना सङ्क्रमितसहित ७७ हजार ८१७ पुग्याे

काठमाडौं, असोज १४ गते । नेपालमा कोरोना भाइरसका एक हजार ५५९ जना नयाँ सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा १२ हजार २०५ वटा नमूना परीक्षण गरिएको छ । योसँगै नेपालमा दशलाख २१ हजार ५०३ पुगको छ । मन्त्रालयले दैनिक प्रेस ब्रिफिङ्को क्रममा हाल नेपालमा २० हजार ८९१ जनामा कोरोनाभाइरसको सङ्क्रमण सक्रिय रहेको जनाएको छ […]

पोखरामा आन्तरिक पर्यटकलाई सहुलियत दिँदै प्याराग्लाइडिङ सञ्चालन

तारा चापागाईं / पोखरा, असोज १४ गते । कोरोना महामारीका कारण झण्डै छ महिनासम्म बन्द रहेको प्याराग्लाइडिङ सञ्चालनमा आएको छ । असोज ५ गतेबाट परीक्षण उडान भइरहेको प्याराग्लाइडिङ कम्पनीले असोज १५ गतेबाट नियमित सञ्चालनमा आउने भएको हो । नेपाल हवाई खेलकुद संस्था (ना) का अध्यक्ष कृष्ण भण्डारीले कोरोनाको जोखिमका कारण बन्द भएका कम्पनीहरुलाई पुनः बुकिङ […]

I feel our current score is 50 but we are trying to reach 70: Mayor Kharel

It has been more than three years since the election of the local government after the country entered a federal setup. There is high expectation from the local government as the Constitution of Nepal 2015 entrusted more executive powers to it. However, being in the transitional process, the local governments have faced many challenges like […]

संघ र प्रदेश सरकारले सहयोग गरे प्रभावकारी ढंगले काम गर्न सकिन्छ ः उद्धवप्रसाद खरेल, मेयर बूढानीलकण्ठ नगरपालिका

नेपालको संविधान २०७२ अनुसार नेपाल संघीयतामा प्रवेश गरेसँगै २०७४ सालमा करिब दुईदशक पछि स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचन सम्पन्न भयो । नयाँ संरचनामा स्थानीय तहलाई धेरै अधिकार दिइएका कारण टोलटोलमा सरकार पुगेपछि जनताको आकांक्षासमेत तीव्ररुपमा बढ्न पुग्यो । देश संघीयतामा गएपछि पनि तीन तहका सरकारबीच कामको बाँडफाँडमा अन्योल, कर्मचारी समायोजन तथा हाल कोरोना भाइरसका कारण स्थानीय निकायले […]

COVID-19 update: 1,513 new cases, 731 recoveries, tally hits 76,258

Kathmandu / Sept. 29: The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) on Tuesday confirmed 1,513 new cases of COVID-19. In 10,891 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 1,513 persons were found with the novel coronavirus infection, informed Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson of the ministry in the […]

NEA to waive fines as COVID-19 halts meter reading

Kathmandu / Sept 29: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has decided not to charge fines to its customers as the authority has been unable to resume the meter reading service due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The NEA took the decision after a direction from Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Barshaman Pun. Minister Pun had […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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