Archive for: September, 2020

COVID-19 update: 2,287 recovered, 902 new cases including 396 in Valley; tally hits 48,138

Kathmandu / Sept. 8: The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) on Tuesday confirmed 902 new cases of COVID-19. In 10,611 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 902 persons were found with the virus infection, informed Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson of the ministry in the daily […]

Chinese side hands over Durbar High School building to school management

Kathmandu / Sept. 8: A building of Durbar High School reconstructed with support from Government of China has been handed over to the school management today. Though the reconstruction of the building was completed in the month of January, the process to handover the building was delayed due to outbreak of coronavirus infection. Min, the […]

निजगढ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलको काममा तीव्रता

काठमाडौँ, भदौ २३ गते । राष्ट्रिय गौरवको आयोजनाको रुपमा रहेको निजगढ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलको कामले तीव्रता लिएको छ । विमानस्थल निर्माणस्थलमा पर्ने रुख कटानका लागि हालसम्म सो क्षेत्रका ५७ हजार ३५० रुख गणना कार्य सकिएको छ भने त्यस क्षेत्रमा नदी नियन्त्रणका काम पनि धमाधम भइरहेको छ । संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयनमन्त्री योगेश भट्टराईको अध्यक्षताम आज […]

Taskforce formed for revival of tourism sector

Kathmandu / Sept 8 : Nepal Tourism Board has formed Tourism Revival Taskforce in order to revive tourism industry of the country which is affected from the COVID-19 pandemic. The NTB has brought the tourism revival plan as further coordination and collaboration was necessary as per the government priority, private sector’s wish and compulsion. The […]

COVID-19 update: 979 new cases including 326 in valley, 1,736 Recovered

Kathmandu, Sept. 7: The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) on Monday confirmed 979 new cases of COVID-19. In 9,218 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 979 persons were found with the novel coronavirus infection, informed Dr. Jageshwor Gautam, spokesperson of the ministry in the daily […]

Land Management Ministry decides to open plotting, splitting of land

Kathmandu / Sept 7: The Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty (MoLMCP) has repealed its earlier decisions restricting the plotting and fragmentation of land. Through a minister-level decision on Wednesday, the ministry eased the restrictions that it had earlier imposed on the plotting of land as part of efforts to contain the rapid urbanization […]

UNFPA launches phase II of landmark project to prevent GBV in two provinces

Kathmandu / Sept 7: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in coordination with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (MoWCSC) and relevant provincial and local authorities, launched the second phase of a project that seeks to reduce gender-based violence and discrimination against women and girls in two provinces, on Monday. The Gender-based Violence (GBV) […]

व्यवसायी भन्छन्ः पर्यटनलाई लयमा फर्काउन पाँच वर्ष लाग्छ

काठमाडौँ, भदौ २२ गते । कोभिड–१९ महामारी नियन्त्रणका लागि लागू गरिएको बन्दाबन्दी र जारी निषेधाज्ञाका कारण धराशायी अवस्थामा पुगेको मुलुकको पर्यटन व्यवसायलाई पुनः लयमा फर्काउन चार÷पाँच वर्ष लाग्ने व्यवसायीले बताएका छन् । महामारीले नराम्ररी असर पुगेको पर्यटन क्षेत्रलाई पूर्ववत् अवस्थामा फर्काउन कोरोना भाइरसको सङ्क्रमण कहिलेसम्म रहने हो भन्ने यकिन नभएकाले पर्यटक आउने वातावरण नबनेसम्म पर्यटन […]

बहराइनको राजपरिवार नेपाल घुम्न लालायित

लक्ष्मण दर्नाल / काठमाडौँ, भदौ २२ गते । बहराइनको राजपरिवार नेपाल घुम्न लालायित छ । बहराइनमा नेपालको पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र, कला र संस्कृतिको प्रचारप्रसार भएपछि राजपरिवार नै नेपाल घुम्न उत्साहित भएको जनाइएको छ । नेपालका राजदूत पदम सुन्दासले बहराइनका राजपरिवार र जनता नेपाल घुम्न उत्साहित रहेको बताउनुभयो । त्यसै क्रममा बहराइनका राजकुमार नासिर बिन हमाद अल […]

थप ९७९ जनामा कोरोना पुष्टि, कुल सङ्ख्या ४७ हजार २३६ पुग्यो; एकहजार ७३६ जना निकाे

काठमाडौँ, भदौ २२ गते । नेपालमा कोभिड–१९ का ९७९ सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा गरिएको पीसीआर परीक्षणबाट पुष्टि भएको स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसङ्ख्या मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ । थपिएका सङ्क्रमितसँगै देशभरि कुल सङ्क्रमितको सङ्ख्या ४७ हजार २३६ पुगेकाे हाे । प्रवक्ता डा. गौतमले निको हुन दर ६५ प्रतिशत पुगेको र हालसम्म ३० हजार ६७७ जना […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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