Kathmandu / Oct 26 : President Bidya Devi Bhandari today received Dashain tika and Jamara from Guru Khem Chandra Dhakal at the auspicious hour, 10:19 am, at the Office of President in Sheetal Niwas, Kathmandu, on the occasion of tenth day of Bijaya Dashami. President Bhandari received tika, jamara and blessings from her mother Mithila […]

Kathmandu / Oct. 26: Within the last 24 hours 1,741 new cases of the novel corona virus infection confirmed on Monday, the national COVID-19 caseload has reached 1,59,830. According to Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) Currently, there are 43,293 active cases of COVID-19 across the nation. Total 4,005 recovered from the infection in the […]

काठमाडौं, कात्तिक १० गते । नेपालमा कोरोनाभाइरसका एक हजार ७४१ जना सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयका अनुसार पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा पाँच हजार छ जनाको आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएको छ । स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयले कोभिड–१९ सम्बन्धी दैनिक विवरण अद्यावधिक गर्दै पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा पाँच हजार छ जनाको आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएकोमा एक हजार ७४१ […]

धीरेन्द्रप्रसाद साह / राजविराज, कात्तिक १० गते । हिन्दु धर्मालम्बीको महान पर्व विजयादशमी सोमबार ठूलो मान्यजनबाट जमरा लगाएर टीका ग्रहण गरेका छन । कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको महामारीको कारण यस वर्षको टिका लगाउने कार्यक्रम घरमै सीमित भएको छ । घरमा भएका ठूलो मान्यजनबाट आशिषसाथ जमरा र टीका ग्रहण गरेका छन । व्यक्तिगत, पेशागत एवं पारिवारिक सुख, […]

काठमाडौं, कात्तिक ९ गते । नेपालमा कोरोनाभाइरसका दुई हजार ८५६ जना सङ्क्रमित थपिएका छन् । स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयका अनुसार पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा १२ हजार ३११ जनाको आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएको छ । स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयले कोभिड–१९ सम्बन्धी दैनिक विवरण अद्यावधिक गर्दै पछिल्लो चौबीस घण्टामा १२ हजार ३११ जनाको आरटीपीसीआर परीक्षण गरिएकोमा दुई हजार ८५६ […]

सुशीला रेग्मी / पाल्पा, कात्तिक ९ गते । हिन्दू धर्मावलम्वीहरुको ठूलो पर्व विजया दशमी दुर्गा भवानीको प्रसादस्वरुप मान्यजनका हातबाट टीका र जमरा लगाएर धुमधामका साथ मनाउने गरिन्छ । यस वर्षको विजया दशमी पर्व भने कोरोनाको कहरका कारण गाउँघरमा त्यति रमाइलो छैन । आज नवमीको दिन पनि गाउँघर सुनसान छ । घटस्थापना शुरु भएपछि गाउँघरमा दशैँ […]

Kathmandu / Oct. 25: With 2,856 new cases of the novel coronavirus infection confirmed on Sunday, the national COVID-19 caseload has reached 158,089. “In 12,311 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests done in the last 24 hours, as many as 2,856 persons, 1,067 females and 1,789 males were found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2,” […]

Kathmandu / Oct 25 ‘Maha Nawami’ or the ninth day of Bada Dashain festival is being observed today by worshiping Goddess Durga. This day usually falls on the ninth day of the waxing moon in the month of Asoj as per lunar calendar. However, this year it falls in the month of Kartik. During the […]

Kathmandu / Oct 25: The Karnali provincial government has decided to set up a fund for the protection of Rautes, the nomad community living in jungles especially of mid-west and far-west of Nepal. The fund is focused on the management of clothes, housing and nutritious food for the nomadic community. Chief minister of Karnali Province […]

Kathmandu / Oct 24: Nepali Hindus are observing Maha Ashtami, the eighth day of the ten-day-long Bada Dashain festival, on Saturday, by worshipping goddess Durga Bhawani. As per Hindu mythology, goddess Durga attained her power on this day and illuminated the entire universe with the divine light. With a trishul and a damru in two […]