Archive for: February, 2016

Raute women prefer tradition to modern birthing centres

Dailekh / February 16: The women from the nomadic Raute tribe prefer to give birth on a tuft of the babiyo grass rather than at the birthing centre. The Rautes, who still lead a nomadic life roaming the forests, believe that giving birth on a tuft of babiyo grass ensures the baby’s survival and makes […]

Youth invents ‘Auto Guard’ device

Biratnagar / February 16: A youth of Sunsari district has invented a device ‘Auto Guard’. The Auto Guard, to be installed in water tank, would be very useful for domestic purpose. The inventor, Namesh Khulal of Duhabi-Bhaluwa Municipality-4 in the district, made public the device displaying it in a press conference here today. Khulal has […]

It is immense pleasure to be part of sorrow and joys of the motherland: Dr. Rabindra Pandey

Kathmandu / It will be injustice if we look at only one perspective of Dr. Rabindra Pandey. He has been excelling in all three areas he has been involved in. At a time when most of the organizations were busy writing proposals for supporting the earthquake affected people of Nepal, Dr. Pandey together with his […]

People with disabilities lack access to sexual and reproductive health

Kathmandu / February 16: The Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Report released on Monday has revealed that the people with disabilities lack easy access to sexual and reproductive health services due to many reasons. The research conducted in six different districts with support from the Sunaulo Parivar Nepal/ Marie Stopes International and Australian Aid also […]

Nepal wins gold in SAG men’s football after 23 years

Kathmandu / February 15: Nepal repeated history to win the gold medal in the South Asian Games men’s football defeating India after 23 years. Prakash Budhathoki and Nawayug Shrestha netted in second half to stun India at its home. This is the first time Nepali football team won SAG after 1993. But they succeeded in coming […]

NHRC begins investigation into Rangeli incident

Kathmandu / February 15: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has started investigation into the killing of three persons in police firing at Rangeli and Dayaniya in Morang on January 21. Issuing a statement on Monday, NHRC acting secretary Bed Prasad Bhattarai said that the investigation team inspected the incident site and enquired Morang Chief […]

Nepal to import 80 MW power from India

Kathmandu / February 15: Nepal is to import 80 Megawatt of electricity from India through the Dhalkebar-Mujjafpur Cross Border Transmission line. The import is being made under the government’s short-term policy of coping with the severe power outage in the country Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) signed the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) regarding this with the […]

रु सात करोडको तेजपात उत्पादन

    गाईघाट(उदयपुर),। जिल्लाको मध्य, पूर्र्वी र पश्चिमी पहाडी क्षेत्रमा रु सात करोड बराबरको तेजपात उत्पादन भएको छ । जिल्ला वन कार्यालयका अनुसार जिल्लाको सिरिसे, हर्देनी, मयङखु, तावाश्री, डुम्रे, मुर्कची, साउने, खाँबु, भुटार, कटुन्जे, बबला, सिद्धिपुर र चौदण्डी क्षेत्रमा तेजपात उत्पादनमा वृद्धि भएको छ । करिब २५० हेक्टर क्षेत्रफलमा तेजपात उत्पादन हुँदै आएको सहायक वन […]

फोहोरबाट बिजुली निकाल्ने तयारी

    काठमाडौँ, ३ फागुन । काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिकाले फोहोरबाट बिजुली निकाल्ने तयारी गरिरहेको जनाएको छ । आगामी तीन महिनाभित्र १४ किलोवाट बिजुली निकाल्न लागेको महानगरपालिकाका वातावरण व्यवस्थापन महाशाखा प्रमुख रविनमान श्रेष्ठले बताउनुभयो । टेकु ट्रान्सफर स्टेसनमा सङ्कलित भएको फोहोरबाट बिजुली निकाल्न लागिएको र यसका लागि दैनिक ३०० टन जैविक फोहोर प्रयोग हुने पनि उहाँले जानकारी […]

नयाँ संविधान नेपालको संवैधानिक इतिहासमा अद्भूत सुरुवात – प्रधानमन्त्री

    काठमाडौँ, ३ फागुन । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले संविधानसभाबाट हालै जारी भएको नेपालको संविधान मुलुकको राजनीतिक र संवैधानिक इतिहासमा अद्भूत सुरुवात भएको बताउनुभएको छ । एसियाली राजनीतिक पार्टीको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन (आइक्याप) ले आज यहाँ आयोजना गरेको ‘नेपालमा प्रजातान्त्रिक सङ्क्रमण’ विषयक विशेष कार्यशालामा उहाँले नेपालको संविधान पूर्ण समावेशी भएको र यसमा महत्वपूर्ण मौलिक हकहरुको […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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