Archive for: December, 2019

HoR to initiate process for picking new speaker on December 27

Kathmandu / Dec. 20: A meeting of the House of Representatives (HOR) to be held on December 27 will initiate a parliamentary process for picking a new speaker of the House. The meeting of the HoR is taking place at 11 am on December 27. The post of the speaker has been lying vacant after […]

Poverty Rate to drop by Three Per Cent in Five Years: Minister Baskota

Kathmandu / Dec. 20: Minister for Communications and Information Technology Gokul Prasad Banskota today claimed that the poverty rate of the country would be dropped to 15 percent from existing 18 in the next five years. “We will bring down the poverty rate to 15 percent in the next five years. This will be possible […]

Fashion Show Using Recycled Clothes

Kathmandu / Dec. 20: The Clothing Bank has organised a charity fashion show to support the deprived people in the Terai with warm clothes in the winter. Titled as ‘A Walk for Warmth’, the show organised at Marriott Kathmandu featured the dresses designed by fashion designing students using the recycled clothes. Prashant Tamrakar choreographed the […]

वैदेशिक रोजगारसँग सम्बन्धित सम्पूर्ण कामलाई अनलाइन प्रणालीमा लैजाने तयारी भइरहेको छ – महानिर्देशक डा. भुसाल

काठमाडौँ, पुस ४ गते । विगतमा चरम बेथिति भएको क्षेत्रका रुपमा चर्चा हुने वैदेशिक रोजगार पछिल्ला दिनमा भने निरन्तर सुधारको प्रक्रियामा देखिएको छ । अन्तरराष्ट्रिय आप्रवासी कामदार दिवसको सन्दर्भ पारेर सुरक्षित आप्रवासनका लागि राष्ट्रिय सञ्जालले आज यहाँ आयोजना गरेको ‘वैदेशिक रोजगार विभाग तथा वैदेशिक रोजगार बोर्डको कार्य सञ्चालन प्रभावकारिता’सम्बन्धी छलफलमा सहभागी सरोकारवालाले सकारात्मक सुधारलाई निरन्तरता दिँदै […]

सुुन्तला बेचेरै वार्षिक ४० लाख कमाई

प्रतीक इच्छुक शर्मा / सल्यान, पुस ४ गते । वागचौर नगरपालिका ९ को डाँगीगाउँ पश्चिमतिर फर्किएको पाखो । चिटिक्क सजिएको घर छेउमा सुधारिएको गरामा लहरै रहेका सुन्तला बारी । सुन्तला पाकेर पहेँलै देखिन्छ । प्लाष्टिक ओढाएको नर्सरी । नर्सरीमा रहेका लाखौ कागती र सुन्तलाका बेर्ना । यो दृश्य नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका कर्णाली प्रदेशका सदस्य लोकबहादुर […]

बंगलादेश सरकारले ग-याे माथिल्लो कर्णालीको विद्युत् खरीद गर्ने निर्णय

रमेश लम्साल / काठमाडौँ, पुस ४ गते । बङ्गलादेश सरकारले माथिल्लो कर्णाली जलविद्युत् आयोजनाबाट उत्पादित ५०० मेगावाट विद्युत् खरीद गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । भारतीय कम्पनी ग्रान्धी मल्लिकार्जुन राव (जिएमआर) ले निर्माण गर्न लागेको ९०० मेगावाट क्षमताको आयोजनाबाट उत्पादित विद्युत्मध्ये ५०० मेगावाट विद्युत् खरीद गर्ने निर्णय भएको हो । जिएमआरका निर्माण परियोजना प्रमुख केके शर्माले […]

TU holds 45th convocation ceremony in capital; 10,183 students graduated

Kathmandu / Dec 19: A total of 10,183 students participated in the 45th Convocation Ceremony of Tribhuwan University in the capital on Thursday. During the convocation held at Pulchowk Campus in Lalitpur, 3,703 students from the management faculty took part in the convocation. Similarly, 2,091 from the humanities, 1,186 of engineering, 1,098 of science and […]

Govt doesn’t need apex court directives to protect Nepal’s territory: PM to SC

Kathmandu / Dec 19: Stating that the government is making diplomatic efforts to resolve the border issues with neighboring India, Prime Minister KP Oli on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that the government does not require any directive from the apex court in this regard. Prime Minister Oli also told the apex court that the […]

FM Khatiwada calls for good coordination among govt agencies to execute development projects

Kathmandu / Dec 19: Finance Minister Yubaraj Khatiwada has said that the development works have been disrupted in various parts of the country due to lack of good coordination among the federal, provincial and local government agencies. Speaking at the Parliamentary Finance Committee on Thursday, the minister said that the cost of the development projects […]

IFAD supported projects contribute to agricultural productivity in Nepal: Report

Kathmandu / Dec 19: Rural development projects financed and supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increased agricultural productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers in Nepal, claimed a report prepared by the IFAD. The report reviews the joint work of IFAD and the Government of Nepal over the past seven […]

TOP NEWSview all

Four-nation championship: Nepal into the final

KMC installs Pelican crossings at 36 key locations

Japan to recruit 20,000 Nepali caregivers for health sector

Mushroom industry opened in Nawalparasi

UML reminds PM to revise provisions of Cooperative Ordinance

Positive Development Media Pvt. Ltd. / Regd. No: 232 / 073-74

Kathmandu, Nepal


Editor : Mr. Divesh J.B. Rana

Chairperson : Mr. Kishore Thapa

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