Ask Google Fortune about your future
Agencies: Search engine giant Google has launched a fortune telling app that claims to predict your future.
Dubbed Google Fortunetelling-Predict your future, the app lets users to ask any questions that they might have regarding their future.
But the moment a user tries to type something, a series of questions pop up by itself. And when you click on the ‘Predict My Future’, it directs you to another page.
Well don’t be stunned. The new initiative is an effort by Google to draw people’s attention towards the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe with a message that says: OF COURSE WE CAN’T PREDICT YOUR FUTURE!
But 60 million refugees ask themselves every day if they have a future at all. So we used a fake Google-site to get your attention because apparently you were interested in your own future. Please take a moment to think of their future.
Google further encourages users to spread the word about the initiative.
Every day, thousands of migrants flee to Europe from war-torn countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and Libya unaware what the future holds for them.