CEO’s role in organization remains vital: VP Yadav

Kathmandu / May 31: Vice-President Ram Sahaya Prasad Yadav said that Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) should diligently fulfil their roles.

Inaugurating the “CEO Conference, 2024” that is a program organized by the Nepal Management Federation on Friday in Kathmandu, the Vice-president expressed confidence that the CEO conference platform will provide an abundance of knowledge building to the leaders of the organization, both financial and non-financial, regarding the problem solving and progress of about changing context, newly developed technologies, a declining of economy,

He said, “I expect that through this program, stakeholders will be helped to guide a workplace based on technology, rising industries, and a model based on innovation. The CEOs working in larger firms have connections and are in contact with influences, therefore, they need to fulfil their role in honesty rather than going for personal benefit. If one fails to do so, then it creates the possibility of the collapse of the organization. Therefore, responsibilities, prestige, and weightage need to be well-marinated without leaving any stones unturned.”

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