Kathmandu / December 11: The seventh Human Rights National Magna Meet-2015 concluded in the capital on Friday issuing a 25-point declaration. The meet this year was organized with the slogan ‘Democracy, human rights and inclusiveness; equal women participation in all sector and level of state’. The declaration has called for the effective implementation of Nepal’s […]

Kathmandu / December 11: Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel has called on the business community not to get frustrated by the ongoing economic blockade suffering the country at the hands of neighour. “The blockade has caused an irreparable loss due to the blockade. Let’s take patience for more few days and not to be panicked by […]

Kathmandu / December 11: The Kathmandu Valley Development Authority (KVDA) has given permission to 223 housing plans including land pooling and development of joint and group residential properties for the development of systematic housing in the Kathmandu Valley. KVDA has given permission to altogether 145 plans including 37 land pooling plans, 75 joint residence and […]

पुनर्वास (कञ्चनपुर), २५ मङ्सिर । नेपालको सहमतिबिनै पुनर्वासको परासनस्थित नेपाल–भारत दशगजामा भारतीय वन विभागले माटो थुपारी तीन मिटर अग्लो आली बनाउन सुरु गरेको छ । परासनको बीचफाँटास्थित नेपाल–भारत सीमा स्तम्भ नं १९१ देखि १९४ सम्म करिब तीन किमी लम्बाइको माटो बाँध बनाउन सुरु गरिएको छ । दशगजा क्षेत्रमा कुनै पनि संरचना बनाउँदा भारतीय पक्षले […]

काठमाडौँ, २५ मङ्सिर । काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा व्यवस्थित आवास निर्माणका लागि जग्गा विकास, संयुक्त आवास र सामूहिक आवास गरी २२३ योजनालाई अनुमति दिइएको छ । उपत्यकामा अव्यवस्थित बसोबास रोकी व्यवस्थित सहर निर्माण गर्न दिन काठमाडौँ उपत्यका विकास प्राधिकरणले यस्तो अनुमति दिएको हो । काठमाडौँ जिल्लामा जग्गा विकास ३७, संयुक्त आवास ७५ र सामूहिक आवास ३३ […]

Bhaktapur / December 11: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has provided financial assistance for two the Madhyapur Thimi-based organisations that are active in the protection and preservation of arts and culture. The amount would be used for setting up a revolving fund to ensure protection of the arts and cultures. At a meeting in the […]

Ilam / December 11: A journalist based in Ilam has been honoured for his contributions to human rights through media. Journalist Satendra Jabegu was honoured with this year’s ‘Human Rights Journalism Prize’ at a programme on Thursday on the occasion of the 67th International Human Rights Day. District Judge Nabraj Dahal felicitated journalist Jabegu with […]

Kathmandu / December 10: The government has honoured tourism entrepreneur Wanchu Sherpa with the ‘Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) Conservation Campaigner Award-2072’ for his contribution in the field of tourism. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ananda Prasad Pokharel honoured Sherpa amid a function in the Capital today. Sherpa was honoured at Nepal Cancer Hospital, Lalitpur, […]

Kathmandu / December 10: The Nepal Police has brought the Digital Forensics Technology in use since today. On the occasion of the 60th Crime Investigation Day, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Upendrakanta Aryal inaugurated the technology amid a programme held at the Police Headquarters at Naxal in Kathmandu. IGP Aryal said that the technology is […]

चितवन, २४ मङ्सिर । सीमान्तकृत चेपाङ समुदायबाट नर्सिङ अध्ययनरत सरिता चेपाङलाई अध्ययनका लागि हाल अस्ट्रेलियामा रहेका चितवनवासीले सहयोग गरेका छन् । नर्सिङ विषयमा प्रविणता प्रमाणपत्र तहमा अध्ययनरत धादिङ जोगीमाराकी सरितालाई उनीहरुले रु ८० हजार सहयोग गरेका हुन् । भरतपुर अस्पताल नर्सिङ कार्यक्रममा पूर्ण छात्रवृत्तितर्फ अध्ययन गरिरहे पनि उहाँलाई छात्रावास, शैक्षिक सामग्री तथा प्रयोगात्मक सामग्री […]