Kathmandu / Nov 12: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) is to implement the inclusive rule in exchanging the new bank notes. The central bank, which had been providing the facility of exchanging new notes in large quantity only during the Bada Dashain period before this, is to extend this facility on the occasion of festivals of […]

Kathmandu / Nov 11: The Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has issued a notice, calling on eligible citizen to acquire a business loan by keeping educational certificates as collateral. The government in the budget for the current fiscal year 2018-19 announced various programs like ‘Educated Youth Self Employment’; ‘Women Entrepreneurship’; and ‘Agriculture and Livestock’, promising a […]

Rupandehi / Nov 11: Province 5’s chief minister, Shankar Pokhrel met China’s ambassador to Nepal, Yu Hong and dwelt into possibilities of Chinese investment in the province. The topics ranged from promoting Lumbini to bringing Chinese investments in the fields of agriculture and industries, according to Sher Bahadur KC, the CM’s press advisor. Pokhrel highlighted […]

Sanjeeb Phuyal / Nov 11: The Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers has enquired about the repossession of the religious forest from the Osho Tapoban, the international commune and forest retreat centre named after spiritual guru Osho Rajneesh. Chief Secretary Lok Darshan Regmi on Sunday met Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Forest […]

पोखरा, कात्तिक २५ गते । चार दिनसम्म मनाइने छठ पर्व आजदेखि शुरु भएको छ । आज पहिलो दिन बर्तालु महिला वा पुरुषले स्नान गरी चोखो हुने यस विधिलाई ‘नहायखाय’ भनिन्छ । दोस्रो दिन ‘खरना’ भनिन्छ । तेस्रो षष्ठीका दिन नदी वा तलाउमा अस्ताउँदो सूर्यलाई र चौथो दिन बिहानै उदाउँदो सूर्यलाई अघ्र्य दिइएपछि यो पर्व सम्पन्न […]

घोराही, कात्तिक २५ गते । पहिले घरमै खानका लागि च्याउ खेती गर्दै आउनुभएकी धनमाया बुढाले अहिले व्यावसायीक रुपमा च्याउ खेती गर्न थाल्नु भएको छ । पर्याप्त आम्दानी गर्न सकिने भएपछि बुढा च्याउ खेतीतर्फ आकर्षित हुनु भएको हो । पछिल्लो समय जिल्लामा उत्पादन भएको च्याउ स्थानीय बजारमै बिक्री हुन थालेको छ । बुढाले आफ्नै लगानीमा घोराही […]

काठमाडौँ, कात्तिक २५ गते । नेपाल राष्ट्र बैङ्कले ‘सहुलियतपूर्ण कर्जाका लागि व्याज अनुदानसम्बन्धी एकीकृत कार्यविधि, २०७५’ अनुसार सहुलियतपूर्ण ऋण उपलब्ध गराउन बैङ्क तथा वित्तीय संस्थालाई आग्रह गरेको छ । बैङ्कले आज सूचनामार्फत बैङ्क तथा वित्तीय संस्थालाई कार्यविधि बमोजिम योग्य र इच्छुक नागरिकले आफ्नो अनुकूल शीर्षकमा कर्जा दिन तथा व्यवसाय सञ्चालनका लागि सहजीकरण गर्न आग्रह गरेको […]

Kathmandu / Nov 10: The Ganesh Man Singh Foundation organized a programme at Shova Bhagawati here this morning, commemorating the 104th birth anniversary of commander of the 1990 democracy movement, Ganesh Man Singh. Rich tributes were paid to the late leader who is also known as the ‘Iron Man’ of Nepali politics for his audacious […]

Janakpur / Nov 10: The main ritual of the four-day Chhath festival will formally begin on Sunday. It is observed for four days, from Kartik Shukla Chaturthi to Kartik Shukla Saptami as per the lunar calendar. The festival observed worshipping and making offerings to the setting sun mostly in Tarai, lowland region in southern parts […]

Kathmandu / Nov 10: A total of 339 Acts have been formulated so far by the Legislature Parliament to bring into effect the new constitution, according to the Legislature Management Committee under the National Assembly. Committee President Parshuram Meghi Gurung shared that the Committee has been conducting studies about the laws and acts formulated in […]